7 Day Fitness Challenge


7 Day Fitness Challenge ·

Transform Your Week


Transform Your Life

Transform Your Week · Transform Your Life

Join the FREE 7-Day Fitness Challenge Today

How It Works
  1. Download the Exel Fit App

  2. Sign up to receive your 7 Day Fitness Challenge emails with instructions

Download the 
Exel Fit app
You will receive a total of 7 informative emails designed specifically to help you successfully navigate through the challenge. Each email will include helpful tips for nutrition, detailed descriptions of challenge exercises, and a dose of extra motivation to keep you inspired and moving forward.

Former NASA Astronaut Nicole Stott

“Shout out to my friends at Exel Fit! Whether I'm at the gym or at home, or on the other side of the planet - I'm grateful to Vol and Gina for getting me motivated again!”

Exel Fit is a comprehensive virtual personal training platform specifically designed for individuals of all fitness levels who find themselves strapped for time and require an effective way to maximize their daily routines. Our carefully crafted 30-40 minute workouts are strategically formulated to concentrate on exercises that not only enhance overall fitness but also produce tangible results in a short amount of time.